Borehole Wireline Logging & Data Collection Services

Borehole Wireline Logging

At GeoLog, we provide borehole wireline logging and data collection services for Queensland, New South Wales, & Victoria.

Borehole wireline logging is a critical service in the oil and gas industry, providing essential data for resource evaluation and management. Our comprehensive wireline services utilise advanced borehole logging techniques to gather accurate and reliable information from subsurface formations. Skilled wireline operators deploy state-of-the-art tools down hole to ensure precise measurements and detailed insights, helping clients make informed decisions about their exploration and production activities.

Our wireline logging services are designed to meet the diverse needs of the industry, offering high quality data collection and analysis. From neutron porosity logging to borehole integrity assessments, our wireline services cover a wide range of applications. By leveraging the expertise of experienced wireline operators, we deliver exceptional results that support efficient and effective resource management for our clients.

See Our Full List of Geo Logging Services Below

Gamma Services

Gamma services are essential for obtaining detailed geological information about subsurface formations. By measuring natural gamma radiation emitted from rocks, these services provide critical data on rock composition and mineral content. Our advanced gamma logging techniques ensure precise and reliable readings, helping clients in the oil, gas, and mining industries make informed decisions about their exploration and production activities. With our expertise in gamma services, we deliver high-quality results that enhance resource evaluation and operational efficiency.

Televiewer Services: Acoustic/Optical

Our televiewer services, encompassing both acoustic and optical technologies, provide high-resolution imaging of borehole walls, offering invaluable insights into the structural and lithological characteristics of subsurface formations. The acoustic televiewer captures detailed visuals through advanced acoustic technology, revealing fractures, bedding planes, and other geological features, while the optical televiewer delivers clear, high-resolution images that highlight lithological variations and borehole conditions. These precise imaging techniques help clients in the oil, gas, and geotechnical industries assess wellbore stability, plan drilling operations, and evaluate reservoir potential. With our cutting-edge televiewer services, we ensure accurate data collection and interpretation, supporting optimal decision-making and operational success.

Acoustic televiewer
Borehole logging

Triple Density, Calliper, Temperature

Our comprehensive suite of logging services includes Triple Density, Caliper, and Temperature measurements, all designed to provide critical data for resource evaluation and well integrity. Triple Density logging offers detailed insights into formation density across multiple depths, enhancing reservoir characterisation. The Caliper tool measures borehole diameter, identifying irregularities and ensuring wellbore stability. Temperature logging monitors the thermal profile of the well, identifying fluid movements and aiding in the detection of production anomalies. Together, these advanced logging techniques equip our clients with the precise information needed for informed decision-making and successful project execution.

Resistivity & Spontaneous Potential (SP)

Resistivity and Spontaneous Potential (SP) logging services evaluate the electrical properties of subsurface formations, providing crucial information about fluid content, lithology, and permeability. Resistivity logging helps to identify hydrocarbon-bearing zones by measuring the resistance of rock formations to electrical currents, while SP logging detects natural electrical potentials in the borehole environment, offering insights into formation properties and fluid movements. These advanced measurements are essential for accurate reservoir characterisation and effective resource management, equipping our clients with the precise data needed for informed decision-making and successful project execution.

Wireline logging
Vehicle Logger


Verticality services are designed to ensure the precise alignment and stability of boreholes. By measuring the deviation and inclination of the borehole from true vertical, we provide accurate data that is essential for maintaining wellbore integrity and optimising drilling operations. Proper verticality assessment helps in preventing drilling problems, ensuring accurate placement of casing and cementing operations, and maximising the efficiency of the well. With our advanced verticality measurement techniques, clients can trust that their boreholes are drilled accurately and safely, supporting successful project outcomes.

Full Wave Sonic

Full Wave Sonic services provide comprehensive acoustic measurements of subsurface formations, delivering detailed insights into rock properties and formation integrity. By analysing the travel time of sonic waves through the rock layers, we can determine important characteristics such as porosity, lithology, and mechanical properties. Full Wave Sonic logging is essential for accurate reservoir evaluation, wellbore stability assessment, and fracture detection. With our state-of-the-art equipment and expert interpretation, we ensure precise and reliable data to support informed decision-making and optimise the success of your drilling and production operations.

Wireline operator
Civil Mining

Civil Mining

At GeoLog, our Civil Mining services are tailored to meet the complex demands of the construction and mining industries. We provide comprehensive solutions that encompass site preparation, excavation, and material extraction, ensuring that your projects are executed with precision and efficiency. Our team of experienced professionals utilises advanced technology and equipment to deliver high-quality results, from initial site assessments to the final stages of construction. Whether you’re developing infrastructure, managing large-scale earthworks, or conducting resource extraction, our civil mining services offer the expertise and reliability needed to achieve successful project outcomes.

Data Collection Services

Our Data Collection services are designed to provide accurate and comprehensive information essential for informed decision-making in the oil, gas, and mining industries. Utilising advanced logging tools and data logging methodologies, we gather critical data on subsurface formations, reservoir properties, and environmental conditions. Our services include a wide range of logging and monitoring techniques, such as seismic surveys, well logging, and real-time data acquisition. By delivering precise and reliable data, we help our clients optimise their exploration and production strategies, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure regulatory compliance. Trust us to provide the high-quality data collection services that underpin successful project execution and resource management.

Wireline logging

Areas We Serve

GeoLog currently provides wireline services for drilling programs across the major Queensland coal basins with full-time units servicing the Bowen, Galilee, Surat and Maryborough Basins as well as more remote locations.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have more questions, please reach out to us directly by phone or email and we will get back to you promptly!

What types of data collection services do you offer?

We offer a comprehensive range of data collection services, including seismic surveys, well logging, real-time data acquisition, and more. Our advanced logging tools and data logging methodologies ensure accurate and reliable information for informed decision-making.

How do your borehole wireline logging services benefit my project?

Our borehole wireline logging services provide essential data on subsurface formations, helping you assess reservoir potential, wellbore integrity, and fluid content. Using advanced techniques like neutron porosity logging and Resistivity/SP logging, we deliver precise insights that support efficient exploration and production activities.

What are the benefits of using your televiewer services?

Our televiewer services, including acoustic and optical televiewers, offer high-resolution imaging of borehole walls. These services provide detailed visuals of fractures, bedding planes, and lithological variations, essential for assessing wellbore stability and planning drilling operations.

How do your verticality services ensure wellbore accuracy?

Our verticality services measure the deviation and inclination of boreholes from true vertical. This ensures proper alignment and stability, preventing drilling problems, and optimising the placement of casing and cementing operations.

What is included in your full wave sonic services?

Our full wave sonic services provide comprehensive acoustic measurements of subsurface formations. By analysing the travel time of sonic waves, we determine important properties like porosity, lithology, and mechanical characteristics, aiding in accurate reservoir evaluation and wellbore stability assessment.

Do you offer additional services not listed on your website?

Yes, we offer many more services to meet your specific needs, including Magnetic Susceptibility, Reflex Gyro (Gyroscopic Verticality), Cement Bond Logging, Dipmeter Logging, Formation Pressure Testing, Microresistivity Imaging, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logging, Spectral Gamma Ray Logging, Sonic Scanner, Production Logging, and Perforation Density Logging. Contact us for more information on how we can support your project.

In Need of Logging Services?

We pride ourselves in our fast response and attention to detail, providing maximum value to our clients.